For the rights of the Basque People. The PNV in the Transition, 1975-1980


  • Leyre Arrieta Alberdi Universidad de Deusto



PNV, historical rights, the Basque People, self-government, Constitution, Statute


After Francisco Franco’s death, the Basque Nationalist Party (PNV) decided to adopt an active role in the newly initiated period of political transition in Spain. The party duly underwent a process of reorganization and renewal, as they worked towards defining new political guidelines, distancing themselves from radical stances held by other nationalist parties. At the same time, they developed a narrative in which Basques were portrayed as an ancient people, of distinct physical features, with a long history of self-government. One of the key elements of the narrative was that certain rights which, in the past, had been taken away from the Basques could now be restored in the new democratic State. To this end, the PNV became actively involved in all constitutional and statutory proceedings, so as to include their definition of the Basque People in the new legal-political framework and in this way regain self-government.


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How to Cite

Arrieta Alberdi, L. (2012). For the rights of the Basque People. The PNV in the Transition, 1975-1980. Historia del Presente, (19), 39–52.