The impact of the conflict Russian - Chechen in the mass media (1994-2012)




Chechnya, Russia, War, Mass Media, Information manipulation


Media coverage plays a key role in contemporary warfare on account of its considerable potential for influencing the very evolution of armed conflicts. During the first and – even more so – second wars lately waged between Russia and Chechnya, the great difficulties of journalists to provide information on the site starkly showed the practical impossibility of getting to know what the situation was. This article explores, on one hand, how information on these events was manipulated by the Russian mass media, subject to the dictates of power, as well as, on the other, how sporadically it drew the interest of European press, with the exception of the bloodier facts.


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How to Cite

González Martín , R., & Martín de la Guardia , . R. (2013). The impact of the conflict Russian - Chechen in the mass media (1994-2012). Historia del Presente, (22), 107–121.



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