The five years that marked the way: The reconstitution of the PSOE in Galicia (1974-1980)
PSOE, Galicia, political transition, PSP, PSGAbstract
The year 1980 ends with a gain of strength on behalf of the Galician political party structure, reviewed on numerous occasions, allowing the convergence -in the majority of the scenarios- and the discard -in less of them- of a good part of their potential supporters. It basically improves the political party structure that, as we should keep in mind, in 1975 had a few more than a dozen affiliates.
PSdG's path was full of alternatives: different rhythms, hard-worked affiliations, careful leader elections, conflicts around its denomination, gaps to fill on the executives, integrations and ruptures of similar groups, definition processes around the identity question... All of which happened on a total of five years, a lustrum that ends up being essential on Spain's democracy's development.
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