Fighting words. The greek ‘68 in the students language


  • Rigas Raftopoulos



Colonels, Dictatorship, student movement, Greece, Italy, Resistance


This article aims to offer a new theoretical approach to the analysis of the language of the Greek students through their slogans and keywords during the '68. It focuses on the students discourse as it emerges in their leaflets and posters. The Greek '68 has to be interpreted in the light of the ferocious dictatorship that seized the power the year before and that tried to control and subdue immediately any form of youth opposition. As a matter of fact, tracess of '68 appear in Greece before and after that year, namely in 1965 and 1973. The eco of the western '68 arrived in Greece especially thanks to the numerically impressive presence of Greek students in the italian and also french universities but with a remarkable delay. This contribution tackles also the study of the Greek 68 language as it developed in the huge community of the Greek students in Italy, in order to stress differences and similarities with their colleagues in Greece, the impact of the Italian language and the heritage that they brought to Greece after their return to their homeland.


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How to Cite

Raftopoulos , . R. . (2018). Fighting words. The greek ‘68 in the students language. Historia del Presente, (31), 75–92.