Contribution of the German Christian Democracy to the consolidation of the UCD as a political party (1977-1979)




Christian Democracy, Adolfo Suárez, UCD, CDU, Konrad Adenauer Foundation, Humanism and Democracy Foundation


The development of a close relationship between the CDU and the UCD during the Spanish transition to democracy was due to two issues: first, the moral obligation felt by the German Christian democracy to help to establish a democracy in a country that was emerging from forty years of dictatorship; second, the absolute necessity for Adolfo Suárez to consolidate and strengthen the young party at the head of the Government to succesfully manage the democratic process. This article attemts to shed light on how the German partners supported the UCD leading up to the elections of 1979. Given the lack of a UCD archive, the research has been almost entirety carried out through the documentation of the Christian Democracy Policy Archive (ACDP) in Bonn and the private archive of Josef Thesing


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How to Cite

Urigüen López de Sandaliano, N. (2019). Contribution of the German Christian Democracy to the consolidation of the UCD as a political party (1977-1979). Historia del Presente, (33), 105–122.