The origin of G7 summits. Politi origin of G7 summits. Political cooperation in a globalized economy




G-7, Group of Seven, economic summit Rambouillet, international summitry


This article focuses on the origin of the G-7 summits and argues that the first summit of the Group of Seven in Rambouillet was an initiative carefully planned in advance by German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt and French President Valéry Giscard d’Estaing. The cooperation of these two leaders of two important European powers, their personal affinity and their economic background were the key elements for the idea and celebration of the first meeting, which had one main objective: to find joint solutions to economic problems and monetary policies that were out of control of national politicians and, even if this failed, at least create an image of unity and control of the situation by the Western powers towards investors, oil-producing countries and the Soviet Union.


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How to Cite

Mertens, M. (2020). The origin of G7 summits. Politi origin of G7 summits. Political cooperation in a globalized economy. Historia del Presente, (35), 191–207.