Striking businessmen and pro-government unions. Social agents in the face of the Catalan political tsunami
Catalonia, independence, nationalism, union, Chamber of Commerce, general strikeAbstract
The socio-political transformations that have taken place in Catalonia in recent years, in the context of the so-called procés, have not only been limited to parties and government institutions, but have also reached a wide range of expressions of Catalan civil society. The business environment and the trade union world have been two of the scenarios where the independentist entities, especially the Assemblea Nacional Catalana, have deployed their project under the name Eines de País, transferring the idea of the need to provide more tools when it comes to pressure the Spanish State to achieve its political objectives. The victory of the candidacy of the Assemblea in the Chamber of Commerce of Barcelona and the growing prominence of the independence union Intersindical-Confederació Sindical de Catalunya, both in the different calls for general strikes after the referendum of October 1, 2017 and in the union elections of 2019 in the Catalan administration and public services, demonstrate the willingness to articulate an associationism committed to the creation of an independent Catalan State.
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