La Assemblea Nacional Catalana: the strategic limits of sui generis social movement, Andrew Dowling




Catalonia, Catalan National Assembly, Nationalism, Socials Movements, Independentism


Nationalist movements are a category of social movement, but they are an atypical social movement because they prioritize the nation, national identity and national interests. As with most of the movements that act around the axis of national identity, the Catalan National Assembly (ANC), followed the strategy of presenting itself as the voice of the Catalan people. Led by the ANC, Catalonia has experienced the largest series of sustained popular mobilizations seen in modern Europe. They have been fuelled by resentment and frustration over the limits of autonomy, the wounds of historical memory and the anger generated by the economic crisis. Performance through visualization and choreography of large crowds became a form of political communication. Even so, after over seven years of mobilisation, the main goal of the ANC, the independence of Catalonia, is not on the horizon. The Catalan independence movement successfully developed a distinctive ideological vocabulary, based on its sloganeering and by communicating a simple message. However, this simplicity led to a great underestimation of its adversary and an overestimation of its ability to break with Spain.


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How to Cite

Dowling, A. (2020). La Assemblea Nacional Catalana: the strategic limits of sui generis social movement, Andrew Dowling. Historia del Presente, (35), 53–68.