An inter-nationalist conflict: The catalan socialisms face to face (1931-1936)
This article studies the conflict between the catalanist socialism of the Socialist Union of Catalonia (USC) and the Spanish Socialist Party (PSOE) in Catalonia. Specifically, the study focuses on the use of worker’s internationalism in the confrontation between them. The analysis is divided into two parts. In the first place, it is about giving an account of the inter-nationalism as a characteristic element of the socialist political culture, coming from the Second International. This section is based mainly on bibliographic studies and indicates the insertion of the nation in the scheme of the socialist thought and action through inter-nationalism. Secondly, with the socialist press as the main source, the article deals with the PSOE and USC cases during the republican period, when the latter became an organized political force. On the whole, the article defends the existence of the same socialist internationalism among both parties, but anchored in different nations; likewise, it highlights the cultural and not only political implications of the national idea assumed by the Spanish socialism.
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