Latest from ucd: centrist parliamentary group after the disappearance of Union of the Democratic Centre (1982-1986


  • Adrián Magaldi Fernández Universidad de Cantabria



Union of the Democratic Centre, Centrist Parlamentary Group, Second Legislature


The 1982 elections were a resounding failure for the hitherto government party, Union of the Democratic Centre, which soon led to its dissolution. Despite this, the few centrist deputies constituted a parliamentary group that remained united until the following elections four years later. The objective of this article is to analyze the profiles and actions of its members to reveal how, despite the difficulties, they managed to maintain an independent line of action situated in the center of the political spectrum.


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How to Cite

Magaldi Fernández, A. . (2022). Latest from ucd: centrist parliamentary group after the disappearance of Union of the Democratic Centre (1982-1986. Historia del Presente, (39), 151–166.