Changes in emigration flows and trade union action. CCOO, 1985-2000


  • Ana Fernández Asperilla Universidad Complutense de Madrid



Spain, Migrations, Foreign Workers, Trade Union Policy, Workers Commissions/Comisiones Obreras


A substantial change in migratory cycles in Spain was experienced during the last fifteen years of the twentieth (XXth) century. These changes were spurred on by economic growth, Spain’s entry into the European Economic Community or changes in the norms affecting immigration. In this context Comisiones Obreras put together a migratory policy framework and developed extensive activities in favor of labour/workers’ and citizenship for foreign workers in Spain. This policy however encountered limits such as the low rates of trade union membership by these workers and the scarce presence of migratory questions in trade unión acitivity.


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How to Cite

Fernández Asperilla, A. (2022). Changes in emigration flows and trade union action. CCOO, 1985-2000. Historia del Presente, (39), 49–67.