From solidarity to ritual: Comisiones Obreras and the ilo, 1969-2000


  • José Babiano Fundación 1º de Mayo



ILO, International Conference, Industrial Relations, Globalization


After the pioneering studies on the relations between the ILO and Spain and the subsequent monographic works on the UGT and the international organization, this article deals with the relationship between the CCOO and the ILO. It is examined from its beginnings in 1969, within the framework of Franco’s dictatorship, until the end of the century, when it has consolidated
and acquired an institutionalized character. Beyond this temporal analysis, the text uses the international and Spanish contexts, which are considered essential to understand the relationship between the union and the ILO over time.


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How to Cite

Babiano, J. . (2022). From solidarity to ritual: Comisiones Obreras and the ilo, 1969-2000. Historia del Presente, (39), 29–47.