Matteo Salvini’s new Lega (2013-2023). Continuity and change in the political discourse of a national and populist party




Lega, Italy, Salvini, Populism, Nationalism, Radical Right


The aim of this article is to point out the continuities and ruptures that have occurred in the Lega’s political discourse since Matteo Salvini took office as the party’s federal secretary in 2013. The main thesis underpinning this paper is that the transformation of the Lega’s identity promoted by Salvini, especially the nationalization of the party’s discourse in the Italian sense, coexists with broad lines of continuity that make it possible to establish a clear identity between Bossi’s party and that of Salvini. This article will try to show that the overcoming of the Lega’s original discourse centered on territorial claims and the demand for greater self-government for «Padania» has not led the party to abandon its status as a populist party.


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How to Cite

Palacio Martín, J. del . (2023). Matteo Salvini’s new Lega (2013-2023). Continuity and change in the political discourse of a national and populist party. Historia del Presente, (42), 105–119.