Fratelli d’Italia: between neo-fascist heritage, populism and conservatism
Italy, Right, Conservatism, Neofascism, PopulismAbstract
The explosive electoral rise of Fratelli d’Italia from 1.9% to 26% in less than ten years, and the appointment of its leader Giorgia Meloni as Prime Minister, have raised many questions, both in the scientific community and in the media, about the nature of this party: its ideological roots, its strategy, the physiognomy of its ruling class and its international links. Very different proposals have been made to classify this political actor, ascribing it to the extreme right, to the radical populist right, to neo-fascism. The intention of this article, which reconstructs the FdI’s trajectory from its founding to the present day and places its genealogy in the context of events on the Italian right, is to show that it belongs to another political family, the national-conservative one.
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