Call for paper Number 21 of the Institutional Studies Magazine


The call for the 21st issue of the Institutional Studies Magazine is now open. The call will be open until November 15, 2024

The Journal «Institutional Studies» is edited by the Institutional Studies Research Group (INSTURTEG), former Research Group on the History of Legal-Political Thought (GIHPJ-P), a consolidated group of the UNED, with the collaboration of the Society of Institutional Studies , with the purpose of disseminating the knowledge of the Institutions regardless of their field of material, temporal or geographical specialization.

Its online publication characteristic is in line with the purpose of the Society of Institutional Studies (SEEII) that collaborates in the publication—the dissemination of knowledge on institutional matters—and nothing is better than the openness and immediacy that the Internet provides to achieve its objectives. For this reason we want to bring together in these pages Historical, Legal, Political, Communicological, Protocol, Ceremonial, Relationship studies... and any other point of view that allows the best knowledge of public and private, national or supranational Institutions, although it will be given preference to European and Latin American areas. It is therefore a multidisciplinary journal, although the Research Group belongs to the Faculty of Law of the UNED.

This publication is open to all types of researchers, students, doctoral students, professors, associates and assistants. The objective is to offer a biannual publication that disseminates work of the highest quality and that at the same time serves as a reference for the scientific community of the advances that are being carried out by young researchers from universities around the world. Collaborators are invited to present proposals in Spanish, Portuguese, French or English that deal with any area of ​​the Institutions, in themselves or in relation to other specialties. The articles, which can be sent throughout the year in accordance with the editing standards, will be published on the journal's WEBSITE in pdf format, and will be available for open online consultation. The magazine does not charge anything for publication.

Priority areas of interest:

1.- History of the Institutions

2.- Law and Institutions

3.- Communication and Public Relations

4.- Ceremonial and Protocol

Submission of article proposals and book reviews must be done through the magazine's application in

To do this you must create a username and password. Next, you must proceed to download the template in the “About” – “Guidelines for authors” section.Articles that do not appear in the template will be rejected before being evaluated by the reviewers.

We take this opportunity to communicate that the Institutional Studies Journal is included in the Journal Included in DIALNET, ISOC DATABASE, LATINDEX (34 OF 36 CRITERIA), DULCINEA, CIRC CLASSIFICATION, DOAJ, MIAR, SHERPA ROMEO, ERIHPLUS and DIALNET MÉTRICAS, and continues working to position itself in the best indexes and databases.