La acción clandestina comunista en Cataluña durante el primer franquismo (1939-1958)


  • Antoni Lardín i Oliver



The article exposes were the conditions in which the clandestine activity of the militants that the Partit Socialista Unificat de Catalunya (PSUC) sent to the interior was developed and the relationships that the party established with their militants and the workers of factory in general. Beyond the repression of the franquista dictatorship, the internal reports reveal the existence multiple lacks to act in the secrecy related with the scarce economic resources, the limited political and theoretical formation of the leaders, the search of the individual security and the impossibility about applying in the work and social reality of the Spain of the forties, the schema designed for finishing with the dictatorship. As consequence, the party was seen destined to an underground secrecy until the middle of the decade of the fifties during which the new party that turned into the party of the ¿antifranquismo¿ for excellence in the following decade was forged.


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How to Cite

Lardín i Oliver, A. (2005). La acción clandestina comunista en Cataluña durante el primer franquismo (1939-1958). Historia del Presente, (6), 171–190.