EE.UU y el tardofranquismo: las relaciones bilaterales durante la presidencia Nixon, 1969-1974




This paper analyzes the difficult time the American/Spanish relationships went through at the time of the revision of the agreements in 1968/1970. The political situation was a difficult one in both countries: The Vietnam war, during Nixon¿s presidency, on one side, and a dictatorship facing an impending turnover, on the other. In the light of the American documents, the author surveys America's views on Spain¿s inner evolution in those years and the giant's plans concerning the Spanish future immediately after Franco's death.


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How to Cite

Pardo, R. (2005). EE.UU y el tardofranquismo: las relaciones bilaterales durante la presidencia Nixon, 1969-1974 . Historia del Presente, (6), 11–42.