La reconstrucción del pensamiento democrático bajo (contra) el régimen franquista


  • Elías Díaz García Universidad Autónoma de Madrid



There exists a fundamental link -and this is the main argument of this article- between the culture of opposition to Franchism and the culture of transition  towards democracy. This unifying bond is examined from the following seven different perspectives: 1) the struggle to regain liberty and liberties denied by the dictatorship 2) the efforts of intellectuals to re-construct reason, against totalitarian irrationalism and national-Catholicism 3) a return to the old pre-1936 liberal and democratic culture 4) the organisation of an effective intellectual movement in exile 5) efforts to break out of the intellectual isolation imposed by the regime 6) the affirmation and recognition of linguistic, cultural and political pluralism in the various regions and ethnic groups within Spain 7) the preparation of a climate in which to generate and diffuse democratic ideals and ideas.


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How to Cite

Díaz García , E. (2005). La reconstrucción del pensamiento democrático bajo (contra) el régimen franquista. Historia del Presente, (5), 69–84.