El gobierno británico y la guerra de España: Apaciguamiento y No Intervención


  • Enrique Moradiellos Universidad de Extremadura


The basic aim of this article is to review and analyze the rationale for the policy of Non Intervention shaped and implemented by the British Conservative Government during the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). It was a policy which had a crucial and vital effect on the course and outcome of the conflict. It was as well the regional and local version of the so-called "policy of Appeasement" undertaken by the U.K. authorities to confront the European crisis of the thirties.


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How to Cite

Moradiellos, E. (2006). El gobierno británico y la guerra de España: Apaciguamiento y No Intervención. Historia del Presente, (7), 71–88. Retrieved from https://revistas.uned.es/index.php/HDP/article/view/41071