Europeanization is democratization: the SPD and the Spain of the late francoism


  • Antonio Muñoz Sánchez Accésit al I Premio Javier Tusell



Spain, Germany, History of international relations, socialdemocracy, socialism, europeanism, late francoism, Portuguese Revolution, 1961-1975


This article deals with the policy of the SPD vis-à-vis Franco´s Spain since the mid 1960s, and explains it in the context of the party´s foreign strategy aimed at promoting European détente. It is argued that SPD leaders backed Madrid´s intention to get closer to the European Economic Community because this would, in their eyes, boost the modernization of Spain and strengthen pro-European and pro-democratic tendencies in the country, leading to the self-dissolution of the dictatorship after Franco´s death. It also examines the scarce influence of the left wing of the party in its claim to the SPD ministers of putting effective pressure on the regime to force its democratization. Finally, it shows how the fear that the influence of the Portuguese Revolution after 1974 could alter the expected peaceful transition in Spain due firstly to the capability of the communist party moved the SPD to strongly support the PSOE, a rediscovered partner after many years of cold relations.


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How to Cite

Muñoz Sánchez, A. (2011). Europeanization is democratization: the SPD and the Spain of the late francoism. Historia del Presente, (17), 93–107.