"Walking on Eggs": the public dipolomacy of United States and the sudent protest in Spain, 1963-1969


  • Óscar J. Martín García CSIC




Spanish-American Relations, Student unrest, anti-Americanism, Foreign Policy, Propaganda and Public Diplomacy


During Lyndon B. Johnson’s tenure as President of the United States, his ally the Spanish dictator faced serious student protests. These university upheavals coincided with a rise in anti-American feelings spurred by America’s support of the Franco’s regime. They also endangered U.S. plans for a moderate transition that would preserve Washington’s military privileges in Spain once the Dictator had passed away. Therefore, the students’ movement became a primary target for American public diplomacy, in order to improve the U.S. image among those youngsters who enjoyed political influence. This essay will focus on the cultural and informational programs the U.S. government undertook to attract the students’ leaders without jeopardizing its military cooperation with the local dictatorship.


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How to Cite

Martín García, Óscar J. (2011). "Walking on Eggs": the public dipolomacy of United States and the sudent protest in Spain, 1963-1969. Historia del Presente, (17), 27–40. https://doi.org/10.5944/hdp.17.2011.40861