An iron hand in an iron glove: Santiago The Carrillo and reconstruction of PCE in the early Francoism


  • Fernando Hernández Sánchez Universidad Autónoma de Madrid



Communist Party of Spain, guerrilla, National Union, repression, Franco dictatorship


The history of the PCE between 1939 and 1954 is that of a dark period marked by extreme violence due to its crackdown on underground activists and the struggle between the clandestine groups, bent on rebuilding the party in extremely difficult conditions, and an exiled directive, spread across multiple continents. Direction away In this situation, the figure of Santiago Carrillo grew in importance until he became, in the early 50', the linchpin of the spanish communist organization.


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How to Cite

Hernández Sánchez, F. . (2014). An iron hand in an iron glove: Santiago The Carrillo and reconstruction of PCE in the early Francoism. Historia del Presente, (24), 27–42.