The Mocidade Portuguesa Feminina and the Sección Femenina de la Falange Española: A comparative analysis
In 1936 and 1937, the new responsable for National Education in Salazar ́s «New State» created «from above» youth and women organizations. I propose here to analize the Portuguese Female Youth organization, Mocidade Portuguesa Feminina, hence contributing to the caracterization or Portuguese dictatorship and the role he gave to young women in family and society. In particular the women and young women organizations - Obra das Mães pela Educação Nacional and Mocidade Portuguesa Feminina –were influenced by other authoritarian and totalitarian regimes in Europe, in the inter-war period of the XXth Century. I will also focus, in a comparative perspective, the relationship between Portuguese and Spanish state women organizations in the thirties and the fourties of XXth century, which will allow to differenciate the Salazarist regime.
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