A history of violence: political instability and civil wars in West Africa (1989-2015)


  • Jara Cuadrado Universidad de Valladolid




The present article outlines an analysis of the stages previous to the outbreak of a civil war to understand the circumstances under which an escalation towards violence is more likely, as well as some of the factors that could explain why some escalation processes lead to armed conflict and others do not.To this end, a model of analysis has been designed that has been put into practice on three case studies: Liberia, Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana. This study aims to test whether it is possible to identify a pattern of violence escalation that helps prevent future conflicts


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How to Cite

Cuadrado, J. . (2020). A history of violence: political instability and civil wars in West Africa (1989-2015). Historia del Presente, (36), 95–112. https://doi.org/10.5944/hdp.36.2020.40357