The key months of the Statute of Catalonia: the negotiation and its processing in 1979


  • Gema Pérez Herrera Universidad de Navarra



In December 29, 1978 the Catalan parliamentarians deposited in the Secretariat of the Congress of Deputies of Madrid the text of the draft of the Catalan Statute. In a context of the closure of the courts, the calling of new elections and the beginning of a new legislature presided over by UCD marked the attitude of the Catalans towards their statute. This article analyses the journey of the so-called Statute of Sau until its approval and the tensions that arose between the nationalist parties and the UCD, and at the same time the role that the Catalan UCD played in this complicated process


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How to Cite

Pérez Herrera, G. . (2020). The key months of the Statute of Catalonia: the negotiation and its processing in 1979. Historia del Presente, (36), 45–64.