Acción Psicológica: Avisos <table width="739"><tbody><tr><td valign="top"><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p></td><td width="5%"><img title="accionpsicologica_portada_nueva_pequea_213" src="/public/site/images/alopezgonzalez/accionpsicologica_portada_nueva_pequea_213.jpg" alt="accionpsicologica_portada_nueva_pequea_213" width="150" height="213" /></td><td width="5%"> </td><td valign="top"><p><strong>Acción Psicológica</strong> es una revista internacional de periodicidad semestral editada por la Facultad de Psicología de la Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia desde el año 2002. Publica artículos originales e inéditos de investigación, de revisión, contribuciones teóricas o metodológicas, como también estudios de casos sobre diversas áreas de la Psicología.</p><p><strong>La revista Acción Psicológica ha sido indexada en el Emerging Source Citation Index (ESCI) de Clarivate Analytics.</strong></p><p><strong>Acción Psicológica</strong> está indexada en las siguientes bases de datos:</p><ul><li>Bibliográficas internacionales: Emerging Source Citation Index (ESCI - Clarivate Analytics), Academic Search Complete, Academic Search Premier y Fuente Academica Plus (EBSCO), ProQuest Psychology Journals, ProQuest Central, ProQuest Central K-12, ProQuest Health Research Premiun Collectium, ProQuest Hospital Premiun Collection, DOAJ, FirstSearch (OCLC), PubPsych (ZPID), SciELO, Open J-Gate, Dialnet, e-Revistas, Redalyc y EuroPub.</li><li>Bibliográficas nacionales: COMPLUDOC, ISOC (CSIC-CINDOC), PSICODOC, PSYKE.</li><li>De evaluación de la calidad de revistas: CIRC, DICE, ERIH PLUS, IN-RECS, LATINDEX, MIAR, RESH.</li><li>Para la identificación de revistas: ISSN, Ulrich´s.</li><li>Catálogos de bibliotecas: ARIADNA (BNE), REBIUN, CCPP (MECyD), WORLDCAT (USA).</li><li>Repositorios: E-spacio, E-ciencia, Recolecta.</li></ul><p>Factor de impacto IN-RECS 2011 = 0.362 (Posición 21, 2º cuartil de Psicología).</p><p><strong>Acción Psicológica cumple con los requisitos del programa de doctorado de la UNED al cumplir los 33 criterios de calidad LATINDEX.</strong></p><p>Perfil de la revista en <a href="">Google Académico</a>.</p><p>Tasa de rechazo: 2015 64%. 2016 74%. 2017 77%. <span>2018 80%. 2019 79%.</span></p><p><strong>Acción Psicológica</strong> is a semiannual journal published by the Faculty of Psychology of the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED) since 2002. Publishes original research, review, theoretical or methodological contributions, as well as case studies on different areas of Psychology and Life Sciences.</p><p><strong><strong>Accion Psicologica</strong> has been indexed in Emerging Source Citation Index (ESCI) by Clarivate Analytics.</strong></p><p><strong>Acción Psicológica</strong> is indexed in the folllowing databases:</p><ul><li>Bibliographical (International): Emerging Source Citation Index (ESCI - Clarivate Analytics), Academic Search Complete, Academic Search Premier and Fuente Academica Plus (EBSCO), ProQuest Psychology Journals, ProQuest Central, ProQuest Central K-12, ProQuest Health Research Premiun Collectium, ProQuest Hospital Premiun Collection, DOAJ, FirstSearch (OCLC), PubPsych (ZPID), SciELO, Open J-Gate, Dialnet, e-Revistas, Redalyc and EuroPub.</li><li>Bibliographical (National): COMPLUDOC, ISOC (CSIC-CINDOC), PSICODOC, PSYKE.</li><li>Assessment of quality of journals: CIRC, DICE, ERIH PLUS, IN-RECS, LATINDEX, MIAR, RESH.</li><li>Identification of journals: ISSN, Ulrich´s.</li><li>Library Catalogues: ARIADNA (BNE), REBIUN, CCPP (MECyD), WORLDCAT (USA).</li><li>Repositories: E-spacio, E-ciencia, Recolecta.</li></ul><p>Impact Factor IN-RECS 2011 = 0.362 (Journal Rank 21. 2Q. Subject Category = Psychology).</p><p><strong>Acción Psicológica accomplishes the requirements of the Ph.D of UNED. The journal meets the 33 LATINDEX quality criteria.</strong></p><p>Journal Profile in <a href="">Google Scholar</a>.</p><p>Rejection rate: 2015 64%, 2016 74%. 2017 77%, 2018 80%. 2019 79%.</p></td></tr></tbody></table> es-ES Acción Psicológica indexed in Europub Acción Psicológica 2019-06-27 Call for Papers Special Issue "Personal Strengths" <p><strong>Special issue topic: </strong>Researching personal strengths for creating positive lives and environments: an international perspective.</p><p><strong>Editors of the Special issue:</strong> </p><ul><li>Guest Editors: Vanessa Sinclair, Anita Feher and Claire Wilson.</li><li>Senior Guest Editor: Gabriela Topa.</li><li>Consulting Guest Editor: Donald H. Saklofske.</li></ul><p><strong>Introduction:</strong> Positive psychology has contributed to the identification of personal strengths that contribute both to psychological health and well-being but also supportive environments. But the link between these strengths and wellness is complex, because it is often mediated by several processes which often take place in the social network and the organizational fields, and could be limited by both natural but also human imposed constrains. Intellectual strengths, interpersonal strengths, and temperament strengths would appear to be key factors contributing to promotion of healthy individuals and society. This special issue aims to report current research that will contribute to better understanding of the interplay between strengths and outcomes. Priority is given to those contributions that involve novel theoretical and methodological approaches, examine key factors linked with well-being, and consider different cultural contexts.</p><p><strong>Type of articles:</strong> papers should report the results from empirical research studies, but theoretical and review papers may also be considered Length: not to exceed 7000 words inclusive of text, tables, references; brief articles of approximately 2500 words will be considered.</p><p><strong>Format:</strong> paper presentation should follow APA guidelines; all papers will be submitted and published in English.</p><p><strong>Time:</strong></p><ul><li><strong>Submission Deadline for full manuscripts: September 7, 2018. </strong></li><li>Probably data for Publication: December 2018.</li></ul><p><strong>Procedure for review:</strong> all manuscripts will be subjected to double-blind review process by the editors and review panel. Each contributor should assume the role of reviewer for, at least, one paper submitted to the special issue by others.</p><p><strong>Submissions should be sent to the section "Special Issue: Personal Strengths" <a href="/index.php/accionpsicologica/about/submissions#onlineSubmissions">clic here to register</a></strong></p> Acción Psicológica 2018-07-27 Indexation in Fuente Academica Plus by EBSCO Acción Psicológica 2017-04-19 Acción Psicológica has been approved for inclusion in ERIH PLUS Acción Psicológica 2017-03-17 Indexación en el Emerging Source Citation Index (ESCI) de Thomson Reuters [Indexation in Emerging Source Citation Index (ESCI) by Thomson Reuters] Acción Psicológica 2015-12-11 Indexación en Redalyc [Indexation in Redalyc] La revista Acción Psicológica ha superado la evaluación de calidad editorial realizada por el Comité Científico Asesor Redalyc en junio del 2014. Acción Psicológica 2014-09-02 Difusión internacional de Acción Psicológica Acción Psicológica 2013-10-24 Factor de Impacto IN-RECS 2011 Acción Psicológica [Impact Factor IN-RECS 2011 Journal Acción Psicológica] <p><span>La revista <strong>Acción Psicológica</strong> ha obtenido para el año 2011 un factor de impacto de 0.362, lo que la sitúa en la posición 18 del ranking, correspondiente al segundo cuartil de la especialidad Psicología. [<strong>Acción Psicológica</strong> has obtained in 2011 an impact factor of 0.362. Ranking Position 18 2Q in Psychology]</span></p><p>Fuente IN-RECS:</p> Acción Psicológica 2013-01-10 Criterios de calidad Latindex [Latindex quality criteria] Acción Psicológica 2012-11-20 Difusión en bases de datos internacionales [Dissemination in international databases] Acción Psicológica 2012-11-20 Selección de artículos de temática libre [New section of free-themed items] Acción Psicológica 2012-06-28