«Our 68 was 66».: The barcelona student movement in the global framework of the ‘68s (1965-1969)





The objective of this paper is to situate the anti-Franco student movement that takes place in the main university districts of Spain in the 1960s in the global context of student mobilizations of the ‘68s. For this objective, I propose to establish a comparison between the case of Barcelona and two of the principal student movements of Western Europe beyond France: the cases of Berlin and Italy, focusing especially on Pisa. With the objective, in the first place, to contribute new reflections to a mandatory question for anyone whoapproaches the study of the anti-Franco student movement in Spain: Is there a Spanish ‘68s? And if so, as it is defended in this paper, how does it interrelate and what parallels does it have with its European counterparts?


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How to Cite

Sancho Galán, J. . (2019). «Our 68 was 66».: The barcelona student movement in the global framework of the ‘68s (1965-1969). Historia del Presente, (34), 145–160. https://doi.org/10.5944/hdp.34.2019.40393